Thank you to our Generous Funders
Our Sponsors
Front Stoop Gardens is an ecological landscape design and gardening company, owned by our Cofounder Kate Brittenham, specializing in native plants.
Wild Ones is a national non-profit organization with local chapters that promote the many benefits of landscaping using native plants such as wildflowers, shrubs, trees, and grasses.
The Audubon Society of the Capital Region is a volunteer community which connects people to nature and inspires them to protect birds and their habitats, today and tomorrow.
Gade Farm is a family owned farm located in Albany, NY that provides a variety of flowers, vegetables, herbs, shrubs, trees, and gardening supplies to their community.
More Trees Arborist Collective is a worker-owned cooperative operated by ISA-certified arborists located in the Hudson-Mohawk NY Region.
New Leaf Ecolandscapes is a landscaping company that practices responsible land stewardship by promoting, facilitating, and managing property to create and support ecologically diverse native landscapes.
FoodScraps360 works closely with area municipalities, mainly Bethlehem, Troy, Albany and Schenectady, to provide an infrastructure for the Capital District to sustainably manage our food scraps.
The Sanctuary for Independent Media uses art, science, and participatory action to promote social and environmental justice and freedom of expression.