Home Composting

Enriches your land/garden: Reduces water use, corrects excess sand or clay, provides mulch, and improves soil; Reduces your personal contribution to greenhouse gases: Landfilled organicsgenerate methane and leach ammonia; Extends the life of expensive landfills: 30%+ of inputs are potentially compostable; Makes you smile: You take something left over/left behind and turn it into something:

Beautiful, Powerful, & Earth-Sustaining

Did you know approximately 40 percent of food ends up in the landfill? Instead of sending food scraps to the landfill where they release methane gas and poison the air, you can easily compost them and improve the health of your soil, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and make your garden more tolerant of droughts. Click here for simple plans to build your own composter. 

Not into building your own composter? Get a discounted composter. Even if you are not a Bethlehem Town resident, you can order yours from the Town of Bethlehem and get the discount. Click and order one today.

The backyard composter is made of 50% recycled plastic. 

If you don't want to compost yourself, why not have your food scraps picked up from your home. Have them composted for you and then have fresh compost delivered to you. Check out  News from the Neighborhood sponsor Foodscraps360. And, if you own a business, Foodscraps360 can help you with this too.

Enrich your land/garden: reduce water use, correct excess sand or clay, provide mulch, and improve soil health. Extend the life of expensive landfills: 30%+ of inputs are potentially compostable. Reduce your personal contribution to greenhouse gas and pollution: landfilled organics generate methane and leach ammonia. Make you smile: you took something left over or left behind and turned it into something:

Beautiful, Powerful, Earth-sustaining.

Sponsored by Food Scraps 360

Learn more about composting

Comprehensive Home Composting Guide by Cornell Cooperative Extension

Join NY for Compost Awareness Week 2023

Make your own bin with wire fence, a plastic trash can, or old pallets.

15 DIY Compost Bin Plans

Kiss The Ground

Check out this intro video and then head to Netflix to watch the full video.

More Resources


Darke, Rick and Tallamy, Dr. Douglas, The Living Landscape: Designing for Beauty and Biodiversity in the Home Garden

Lawson, Nancy, The Humane Gardener

Leopold, Donald J., Native Plants of the Northeast: A Guide for Gardening & Conservation

Lorimer, Uli, The Northeast Native Plant Primer

McGrath, Anne, Wildflowers of the Adirondacks

Mizejewski, David, Attracting Birds, Butterflies, and Other Backyard Wildlife, Expanded Second Edition (Creative Homeowner) 17 Projects & Step-by-Step Instructions to Give Back to Nature (National Wildlife Federation)

Tallamy, Dr. Douglas, Bringing Nature Home

Tallamy, Dr. Douglas, Nature’s Best Hope

Tallamy, Dr. Douglas, The Nature of Oaks

Sousa, Elle, The Green Garden

Stein, Sara, Noah’s Garden: Restoring the Ecology of Our Own Back Yards

Wormser, Owen, Lawns Into Meadows

Research and Articles

EPA Oct 2023 Food Waste Report